Fabricating the future of your company!
Sheet metal, cast aluminum and plastic parts for the electronics market
Our innovative 3D CAD engineers use the most advance 3D software to create the most advance parts for our customers.
Our expert fabrication department can laser, stamp or punch custom sheet metal parts for your project. We can work with virtually any type of material, steel, galvanize, aluminum and magnesium.
Using our high speed routing CNC’s we can cut full plastic sheets to meet the specifications of our customers. Using powerful vacuum tables setup time is quick and easy. We can route a wide range of materials from ABS, acrylics even Delron. No matter what the material we can fabricate your parts for your electronic project.
Once your electronic part is cast we can machine it to precision specifications. We are extremely experienced is milling visual and outdoor computer products. Our processes include all standard milling processes and finishing. That includes all type of hole drilling, reaming, boring, tapping, chamfering, counter boring, step drilling and burnishing.
Welding and grinding a metal electronic enclosure to perfection makes all the difference in its visual presentation. We use various types of welding technologies to accomplish not only strength but visual quality. TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) or MIG (wire electrode) are the most common for the electronic enclosure industry. No matter the task our expertise will produce a beautiful welded and finished part.
Our powder coating paint system can bring to life any part. Once the paint is applied to a part, we electro statically charged the part. Then we cure it by baking the paint on to the part. This produces an attractive hard coat finish. Customers can choose from a wide variety of colors and textures. For aluminum parts we can provide a wide range of anodized colors.